Djurgården Ferry Tickets. Practically free boat trips in Stockholm If you have an access ticket with credit then each trip will cost money but if you have a 1, 2, 3, 


The Jewish Museum has found a home in Stockholm's oldest preserved synagogue in the middle of The Old Town. Take part in guided tours in English to learn

The Stockholm Package (The city card Stockholm à la Carte): free admission  Discover the best activities in Stockholm, Sweden including Arlanda Airport Shared Arrival Stockholm City Walking Tour with Vasa Museum Admission Ticket. Results 1 - 21 of 33 Skansen Open Air Museum Ticket in Stockholm, Book @ Flat 19% off Featured Viking Museum Sweden Tickets, Book Now @ Flat 20% off  Estará de visita en Estocolmo? Entrada gratuita a más de 60 atracciones y recorridos turísticos de Estocolmo con el Pase de Estocolmo. Obtenga más  Go sightseeing in Stockholm with the Hop-on Hop-off buses and boats from Red Combine a visit to The Viking Museum with a ticket to the Hop-on Hop-off  The most wanted deal of Vasa Museum ticket prices 2019. Get best Vasa Museum discount price, review, hours, photos, tips, Vasa Museum Stockholm guide.

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Överblick. Öppettider. Adress & karta. I närheten. Besök Vasamuseet och upplev en av Sveriges största kulturskatter – regalskeppet Vasa - som sjönk på sin jungfruresa 1628.


The Stockholm Pass is a sightseeing package which grants visitors free entry to over 60 top attractions, museums and tours in Stockholm. With these benefits, it’s the best way to explore Stockholm, saving both time and money. Learn more. Discover Stockholm with our sightseeing city card.

Stockholm Pass är ett upplevelsekort som ger besökare möjlighet att uppleva allt som Stockholm har att erbjuda samtidigt som de tjänar både tid och pengar. Stockholm Pass inkluderar fri entré till över 60 toppattraktioner och museum inklusive ett brett utbud av sightseeingturer med båt och buss. The Stockholm Pass is a pass that offers free entry to over 60 museums and attractions in Stockholm.

Apr 21, 2021 - Looking to get inspired on your trip to Stockholm? Immerse yourself into world-class art, exciting history, and mind-bending science. Check out the best museums in Stockholm to visit in 2021. Book effortlessly online with Tripadvisor!

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Admission included in Stockholm Pass. Nordic Museum 5.

If you plan on seeing the major attractions, this card is a must have. But you need to reach a certain volume for it to be a good deal. Check out our price comparison & book at the … Make the most of your time in the Swedish capital with the Stockholm Pass, a sightseeing city card that allows you to experience everything this elegant Nordic metropolis has to offer whilst saving both time and money.
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In response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases, many attractions in Stockholm are currently closed. We'll be updating our site as and when attractions begin to reopen. For further updates, and for information about your Stockholm Pass, visit our COVID-19 information page.

250 kr per person. Du kan stödja museet genom att förköpa ett årskort nu.
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Stockholms bästa museer. Stockholm är den stad i Sverige med flest museer. Vi har utsett våra favoriter bland dessa.

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The museum also has the full backing of the group and much of the material is from the group members’ own private collections.