Visma is a privately held company based in Oslo (Norway). The owners are: Hg and co-investors (48.9%), Cinven (17.1%), Intermediate Capital Group (7.6%) and Montagu (6.2%). The Visma management owns 6.6% of the company. The company provides business software and IT related development and consultancy.


Visma is a privately held company based in Oslo (Norway). The owners are: Hg and co-investors (48.9%), Cinven (17.1%), Intermediate Capital Group (7.6%) and Montagu (6.2%). The Visma management owns 6.6% of the company. The company provides business software and IT related development and consultancy.

Cautam in permanenta programatori (.NET, Java, Ruby, C#, C) si economisti. Visma ePasseli on nykyaikainen ohjelmisto yrityksen taloushallinnon pyörittämiseen. Videolla tutustutaan pikaisesti siihen mitä kaikkea ePasselilla voi tehdä. Denna del av forumet är till för dig som använder Visma Administration, Visma Fakturering och Visma Förening. Välkommen! to Visma Space. If you are a Visma Employee you are welcome here!

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435 likes · 20 were here. We work towards: Providing IT solutions that keep our customers one step ahead of their competition We are here to: Kirjaudu sisään Visman järjestelmiin ja palveluihin tällä sivulla listattujen kirjautumislinkkien avulla. International IT Recruiter. About Visma. We know that efficiency is not about working faster but rather about working in a new and smarter way. That is why we   Visma International in Besant Nagar, Chennai-600090-Get Visma International in Besant Nagar address, phone numbers, user ratings, reviews, contact person  Mar 10, 2021 It provides those currently receiving their payslip from various Visma payroll solutions with quick and easy access to their payslips.

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88 subscribers. Subscribe. Feb 6, 2019 APT10 hacker group breaches Visma cloud provider, a US law firm, and an international apparel company, a report published today says. Mar 16, 2020 Software company Visma has reached an agreement with Main Capital Visma's international presence and breadth of product offerings will  Sep 13, 2019 The new finance arm of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) provider Visma has chosen Tieto's platform ProFinance to offer factoring to its  Aug 29, 2019 In short, that race series was a collaboration with the International Ski Federation (FIS) and the Worldloppet marrying elite level and popular  Nov 7, 2019 Visma, a Norwegian supplier of cloud software, has carved out VerzuimSignaal , a division of Advent International-backed Dutch software  Effectplan International AB is setting up an ISV partnership agreement with Visma Software AB under which customers of can now use Effectplan for  Feb 11, 2019 Visma, which reported global revenues of US$1.3 billion last year, provides business software products to more than 900,000 companies across  Jan 2, 2019 its value proposition for both its domestic and international customers.

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Visma, which reported global revenues of $1.3 billion last year, provides business software products to more than 900,000 companies across Scandinavia and parts of Europe. Sky News has learnt that TPG and Warburg Pincus, the US-based investment firms, are to become small shareholders in Visma, a Norwegian company which supplies accounting, payroll, HR and other business software to more than one million small business customers. Visma promotes the competitiveness of organizations by improving efficiency and promoting development. We offer software, services and expertise for business process automation and management. Download Visma Employee for PC free at BrowserCam. undefined. developed Visma Employee application to work with Android mobile plus iOS however, you are also able to install Visma Employee on PC or laptop.
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Visma effektiviserer virksomheder. Visma er førende leverandør af produkter, ydelser og løsninger, som effektiviserer virksomheder i Danmark. Approval is normally used in conjunction with another Visma application responsible for providing workflow tasks. Visma Software AS designs and develops accounting software. The Company offers enterprise resource planning (ERP), accounting, financial management, human resource development, invoicing and This API Support Policy describes the policies and procedures under which Visma.Net API International Support Team provides support services for its proprietary software product(s) to its Independent Software Vendors.
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Visma er en software virksomhed. Vi er blandt Europas førende inden for fremtidssikrede softwareløsninger og konsulentydelser, der forenkler forretningsprocesser i private …

Välj produkt och upptäck utbudet! Hg supported Visma’s management team, providing capital and expertise for acquisitive and organic expansion, enabling the company to grow, for the benefit of its employees, customers and owners. In 2010, Hg sold part of its stake to KKR and together, the two private equity firms continued to support Visma through acquisitions and investment in cloud-based technology.

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Visma. One step Ahead. Du har blivit utloggad pga inaktivitet. Visma; Logga in Glömt lösenord? Phone: 0771-23 24 05 Email:

to Visma Space. If you are a Visma Employee you are welcome here! Sign in with Google . Need help signing in? Check our Help Center for answers. The Challenge. New acquisition Visma | Raet needed to decommission their legacy software and migrate to a new Financials set up.