Acarix A/S is based on pioneering research performed at the Aalborg University, Denmark, initiated in 2004. The research group received the award, ‘MedicoPrisen’, from Medicoindustrien (Danish Medtech trade association) in 2007.


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/ Han tankar vidare andra skänker bort .. igår 11:03. Sina aktier, skratt, bra affärsmän😁 Besvara (0) Acarix CADScor®System använder en avancerad sensor som placeras på huden ovanför hjärtat för att lyssna på ljudet av hjärtkontraktion och turbulent flöde. Den 13 januari meddelade bolaget positiva preliminära data från den undersökande SEISMO-studien som görs med modifierade CADScor®System för en potentiell hjärtsviktstillämpning.

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current best … Senaste nyheter om - Acarix, aktieanalys, kursutveckling och rapporter. Acarix komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Prenumerera här. tis, apr 13, 2021 08:43 CET. Today’s edition of BioStock Live features the Swedish medtech company Acarix. CEO Per Persson tells us more about the company and its product, the CADScor System – a diagnostic device for healthcare professionals investigating patients who suffer from symptoms related to coronary artery disease. 2021-03-23 · Stock analysis for Acarix AB (ACARIX:FN Stockholm) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile.

View Acarix stock / share price, financial statements, key ratios and more at Craft. Acarix Stock Forecast, ACARIX stock price prediction. Price target in 14 days: 1.255 SEK. The best long-term & short-term Acarix share price prognosis for 2021, 2022

Acarix AB engages in the provision of medical devices for monitoring Coronary Artery Disease. It develops and commercializes diagnostic tests based on its technology platform CADScor System. The company was founded by Peter Boman Samuelsen, Samuel Schmidt, Weimin Rong and Claus Bo Vöge Christensen in 2009 and is headquartered in Malmo, Sweden.

The research group received the award, ‘MedicoPrisen’, from Medicoindustrien (Danish Medtech trade association) in 2007. Vd Per Persson presenterar Acarix hos BioStock. 2 days ago Swedish medtech company Acarix has developed CADScor System, a product that will help healthcare professionals in diagnosing individuals seeking treatment for symptoms related to coronary artery disease. The company recently received market approval for the device in the US and CEO Per Persson visited BioStock’s studio at Medicon Village, Lund to tell us more about, among other things, […] Acarix has broken through the ceiling of a falling This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title.


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Taurus har flera intressanta utvärderingsprojekt som löper under året, faller dessa väl kan aktien gå mycket starkt. 2020-09-03 2021-04-09 Today’s edition of BioStock Live features the Swedish medtech company Acarix.

SMA (Simple Moving Average), eller Glidande Medelvärde, visar det genomsnittliga värdet historiskt för det intervall du väljer. Vissa menar att när ett mindre intervall (50) skär ett högre (200) så … View live ACARIX AB chart to track its stock's price action. Find market predictions, ACARIX financials and market news.
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Volatility Over Time: ACARIX's weekly volatility (18%) has been stable over the past year, but is still higher than 75% of Swedish stocks. TradingView UK. View live ACARIX AB chart to track its stock's price action. Find market predictions, ACARIX financials and market news. Acarix market cap is kr191.1 m.. View Acarix stock / share price, financial statements, key ratios and more at Craft.

The research group received the award, ‘MedicoPrisen’, from Medicoindustrien (Danish Medtech trade association) in 2007. Vd Per Persson presenterar Acarix hos BioStock.
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Acarix AB Annual balance sheet by MarketWatch. View all ACARIX assets, cash, debt, liabilities, shareholder equity and investments.

Klik her for at følge aktiekursen i realtid. Acarix är det enda företaget på marknaden som har beviljats denna kod. I godkännandet från FDA definieras CADScor® som ett hjälpmedel vid  Extra bolagsstämma i Acarix AB ("Acarix" eller "Bolaget") hölls idag den 11 augusti 2020 varvid aktieägarna fattade följande beslut. No quotes available.

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Acarix komplett bolagsfakta & börsnyheter från Analysguiden. Prenumerera Acarix carries out a directed issue of shares to guarantors in conjunction with the 

The company recently received market approval for the device in the US and CEO Per Persson visited BioStock’s studio at Medicon Village, Lund to tell us more about, among other things, […] Trigger Stocks ger dig inspiration till bättre aktieaffärer genom dessa två nya triggers för aktierna Taurus och Acarix.