B. Definition of Prefixes and Suffixes that Modify Standard Academic Titles · Clinical Instructor · Clinical Assistant Professor · Clinical Associate Professor · Clinical
docent [(dō’sənt] One employed to instruct visitors about exhibits at a museum, art gallery, etc., esp. as a guide at historical homes and reconstructions. orig. and chiefly U.S. –OED Since the use of the word docent to mean someone who guides visitors around a museum or historical site originated in the U.S., it’s ironic that a museum dedicated to American art is rejecting it.
See docent in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Check pronunciation: docent. docent s substantiv: Ord för konkreta ting och platser, t.ex.: "boll", "person", "Stockholm". Saknas något viktigt?
The word “docent” comes from “docere,” a Latin word meaning “to teach.” While it’s still used occasionally in Europe to refer to university or college teachers who are just below the professor rank, in the U.S. it’s almost exclusively used to refer to tour guides and educators, who inform visitors about the exhibitions and A docent is a teacher, serving the Museum and community in the field of art education. The word “docent” is derived from the Latin word “docere,” meaning ‘to teach.’ Docents are knowledgeable, enthusiastic people who act as liaisons between the Museum and the general public. They are professional Museum staff members. What do Find 5 ways to say DOCENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The UNH Marine Docent Program is a volunteer-based effort that presents educational programs that provide a link between the University's research community and the public. Docents teach marine science to students in schools and camps, adults in community groups and organizations, and at public events in a variety of settings.
A teacher at some universities.
Titles of docent affiliated with the Aleksanteri Institute are either docentships in Russian and Eurasian Studies, or docentships in Eastern European Studies. No further specifications are used. Apllications for the title of docent are invited annually in November. This page provides instructions specific to the Aleksanteri Institute.
Examples of docent in a sentence, how to use it. 77 examples: He is currently working on his docent's thesis on laser beam cutting. - Having… Synonyms for docent include instructor, lecturer, teacher, professor, tutor, don, academic, academician, fellow and pedagogue.
Linköping University | LiU · Department of Culture and Society In this chapter we provide an overview of how ageism is defined, measured, and assessed in
2019 — project manager projektledare. assistant university librarian biträdande universitetsbibliotekarie associate professor docent.
Pronounce docent with a long “o” sound and a soft “c”: “DOH-sent.”
Faculty of Caring Science, Work Life and Social Welfare. Department of Work Life and Social Welfare. Phone: 033-435 4209. Docent Senior Lecturer Director of Studies. Faculty of Textiles, Engineering and Business (including The Swedish School of Textiles).
Cornelius, J. B. The meaning of AIDS: African American nursing students' perceptions of Ett ännu opublicerat forskningsarbete av docent P.-O. Pehrsson och författaren.
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In order to be granted the title of docent at a Finnish university, the applicant has Historically there were a fixed number of professorships in Finland meaning it
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Our docents create memorable, fun and exciting learning experiences for small groups of school children, university students, and the general public, year round. The Garden’s next Docent Training Course is beginning on September 9. Classes will be held on Mondays from 1-4 pm through April 13, 2020. Course information:
See docent in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Check pronunciation: docent. docent s substantiv: Ord för konkreta ting och platser, t.ex.: "boll", "person", "Stockholm". Saknas något viktigt? Rapportera ett fel eller föreslå en förbättring.